As I open the window to begin writing a new post, ten different ideas hit me! But then come the constraints~ some are too personal to share, some too offensive, and some so subjective that my own view regarding them could change the very next day rendering them "not fit" to be blogged about at the moment! I finally end up with nothing to write about! Tonight was one such night when i had the time and the mood to write. And as i ruled one idea after another, the strongest emotion at that point of time was my helplessness at not being able to come up with the "right idea"! And thats when i figured that this very feeling was it! You might not completely get me when i say i have multiple constraints that hold me back when writing a blog.. Here, let me help~ The ideas brimming at the top of my mind include how i feel about my friend's latest crush- shhhhh!; about the friend who betrayed me~ too personal!; about how much i hate our college's administration~ t...
Things~ big and small... the way I see them.. and the way they happen to me...