Tantrums, heart breaks and uncertainty. Life licenses only six stupid years to yell, be unreasonable, misbehave, make mistakes and still be okay.. and as I move closer to the 1st of October, I find this right been snatched away from me right under my nose and there's nothing that I can do about it! As if God only wanted to make it clearer to me, that my period of 'no more a child- not an adult either!' ends this year, for the first time ever, I won't be celebrating my birthday at 12 am. Why? Exams! That's right! Instead of attending phone calls, dressing up, loving all the attention, all I'll get to do this year is face a bunch of microscopes, instruments, fluids and attempt to answer a bunch of teachers in pathology viva! Wow! Fancy haan? Just about every person's ideal birthday! So that's how I slowly, unwillingly yet inescapably edge my way toward my twentieth birthday. Those of you who've been through this might know what this feels like...
Things~ big and small... the way I see them.. and the way they happen to me...