They say you have to have it in you to be a doctor. Before we go on with deciding whether or not we have it in us, lets study the game.. The flowers, the rainbows and all things nice: The fact that you are going to be a DOCTOR! Just imagine! How cool is that going to be! Plus, in M.B.B.S.,we have our exams every six months. Thats it! Any part completion tests? No! Any surprize class tests? No! Any unexpected change of schedule and an oddly timed exam? Again.. No! Life here is pre-planned, predictable. Its like a video game! Just go on passing through the levels. One after the other and you will come out a winner. Maybe not in one shot. but The Medical Council of India is in no hurry either! Take all the time you want. You dont feel like it in 2009? No problem sir! Lets give 2010 a shot! You think 2011'll be a lucky year? Fine! Or maybe you might want to graduate with your son in say.. 2030? Sure! Maybe it'll turn out to be a good thing after all. I mean we all have...
Things~ big and small... the way I see them.. and the way they happen to me...